Friday, March 5, 2010

Aisling's Agony Uncle Story

Agony Uncle
DJ: Yo Yo! DJ’s in the house, The only DJ in town who always has a solution, so, Next on the line is Aisling, and she says it’s a big problem, so, what is your problem?

Aisling: Well, I have bought tickets to see Michael Jackson but as soon as I turn on the T.V at six I see that ……HE DIED!!
DJ: OOOOhhh, that is a problem. How much were the ticket

Aisling: Sixty euro, why?

DJ: Well, If I pay you 1,000 € for those tickets you would have enough to buy a V.I.P pass to his funeral.
Aisling: Not bad...Not bad at all. DEAL!!! Sold to you for one grand. Thank you so much.You've done it again DJ.

DJ: You're welcome, goodbye, Oh! And enjoy the funeral.

Aisling: Seeya DJ!

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